Occupational hygiene

Occupational hygiene overview

AssureCloud is a SANAS 17020 accredited Inspection Body (OH0113) and Department of Employment and Labour Approved Inspection Authority (AIA) specializing in Occupational Hygiene services.

Our aim and focus is to assist clients prevent ill health in the workplace by identifying and monitoring health risks that may cause occupational disease.

It is a legal requirement for all employers to ensure that the health and safety of their employees is efficiently managed by complying with the legal requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993). To effectively manage the health risks that employees may be exposed to, Health Risk Assessments must be conducted to identify processes, activities or agents that may result in ill health effects and ultimately occupational disease.


Once these exposure risks have been identified, the quantification of the exposure is necessary to ensure that you as an employer are in compliance with the requirements of the regulations contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This can be achieved by having Occupational Hygiene Surveys conducted every 2 years by an AIA.

AssureCloud offers a comprehensive Occupational Hygiene service that not only ensures employers remain legally compliant but also provides expertise in recommending practical controls in a workplace where non-compliances are identified or continual improvement of working conditions is required.

Below is a comprehensive list of services we offer:


Legal Reference

Legislated/Proposed Frequency
Or sooner if there has been a change in process, production, activities, after accident or incident

Who May Conduct Service

Occupational Hygiene Risk Assessment OHSA 8 24 Months Legislated Competent Person

Hazardous Chemical Substance Risk




24 Months Legislated Competent Person
Asbestos Risk Assessment & Inventory AR 14 24 Months Legislated Competent Person
Ergonomics Assessments ER 6 24 Months Legislated Competent Person

Noise Surveys

– For Hearing Conservation Purposes:  Demarcating Noise Zones and /or – Personal Exposure Monitoring


NIHL 7 & 9

SANS 10083


24 Months





Illumination Surveys

 Daytime and/or

 Night time



SANS 10114-1


24 Months

Legislated Competent Person
 Emergency Illumination Surveys ERW 3(4) & 3(5)(C) SANS 10114-2  3 Monthly Legislated Competent Person
 Ventilation & IAQ Surveys


SANS 10400

24 Monthly Legislated Competent Person

Local Extraction Ventilation Surveys

 Spray Booths

 Fume Cupboards

 LEV Hoods, etc.


HCS 12



24 Monthly

Legislated AIA

Hazardous Chemical Substances Surveys

– Air Monitoring of wide variety of chemicals



LR 7

12 Monthly for a HCS with an OEL – Control Limit

24 Monthly for a HCS with an OEL – Recommended


Legislated AIA

Thermal Stress Surveys

 Heat Stress

 Cold Stress




24 Monthly

Legislated Competent Person


Vibration Surveys

Whole Body and/or

Hand Arm Vibration Surveys




24 Monthly

Facilities and Hygiene Surveys


SANS 10400

24 Monthly Legislated Competent Person
Potable Water Sampling

FR 7

SANS 241

24 Monthly Legislated Competent Person
Hazardous Biological Monitoring (swab sampling and air plates) HBA 7 24 Monthly Legislated Competent Person


AR          Asbestos Regulations
ERW      Environmental Regulations for Workplaces
FR          Facilities Regulations
GSR       General Safety Regulations
HBA       Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents

HCS        Hazardous Chemical Substance Regulations
LR           Lead Regulations
NIHL       Noise Induced Hearing Loss Regulations
OHSA     Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993
SANS      South African National Standard
ER           Ergonomics Regulations

Additionally, AssureCloud can also assist companies in limited environmental monitoring surveys, supported by our chemistry laboratory capabilities.

These services include:


Legal Reference

Legislated/Proposed Frequency
Or sooner if there has been a change in process, production, activities, after accident or incident

Applicable to this site



Environmental Noise Surveys

Environmental Conservation Act and Local By-Laws Annually Competent Person
Environmental Dust Fallout Surveys National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act and National Dust Control Regulations Annually Competent Person
Effluent Water and Storm Water Sampling National Water Act and Local By-Laws Specific permit requirements

Competent Person


Soil Sampling The National Environmental Management: Waste Act As required especially after any environmental incidents Competent Person



As an Approved Inspection Authority (AIA), AssureCloud is accredited and approved by these Governmental bodies.

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