Why Products Need To Go Through Product Chemistry Testing

Written by Michelle Tsamba - AssureCloud Team
27 Sep 2022

Consumers are more aware of food safety than ever before, and are hyper-aware of what ingredients are used in the products they purchase. Together with this increasing consumer awareness, the regulations that govern food safety are constantly evolving to ensure public health and safety – which highlights the need for businesses to ensure that they remain compliant and adhere to the laws required, through rigorous product chemistry testing.

What is product chemistry testing, and when is it done?

Before any foodstuff can be sold, it needs to go through the product chemistry testing process, which assesses the quality and composition of food products to ensure regulatory compliance. This chemical analysis process confirms the contents of the food that is manufactured – including chemical composition, and potential contamination. 

Why is product chemistry testing important?

Product chemistry testing is vital to ensure regulatory compliance, and to understand the quality and composition of the materials used in products. Elements that are analysed include nutrients (such as sugar, fats, and protein), levels of moisture (which can affect the shelf-life of the product) and toxic substances (such as mycotoxins and biotoxins). Without thorough product testing, brands can’t provide consumers and regulators with the correct product information, and the exclusion of testing for elements such as allergens, could cause 

illness or death in consumers. If the product is not adequately analysed and tested, additional risks can arise that affect the brand – including product recalls, legal action, and potential harm to consumers.

Building trust in brands through thorough product chemistry testing

By ensuring that you partner with a reputable product chemistry testing lab – such as AssureCloudfood product testing can be done close to the source with minimal impact on transport and storage of samples; ensuring the quickest, most accurate result. Transparency and continued product chemistry testing will ensure that brands are compliant – and continually work towards building and growing a brand reputation on trust.

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